Saturday 8 February 2014

High Blood Cholesterol Home remedy

High Blood Cholesterol or Hypercholesterolaemia:

Hypercholesterolaemia is a medical term which means that abnormally high concentrations of cholesterol are present in the blood stream. This can lead to heart disease, hardening of the arteries, heart attacks and strokes.

Increase in cholesterol is mainly a hereditary disorder. It is also caused by taking excessive fried foods; milk products like ghee, butter, cream;sugar, cake, pastries, sweets,ice-cream, cheese; meat, fish and eggs. Irregular eating habits, smoking, drinking alcohol also increases cholesterol level. Recent studies have shown that stress is a major cause of hypercholesterolaemia.

Here we discuss natural home treatment to cure high blood cholesterol.

Home Remedies For Hypercholesterolaemia:


cholestrol Control Cholesterol with Fibre:
The fruits, vegetables and cereals which are rich in fibre lowers cholesterol level in blood.

Cholesterol Treatment with Sunflower seeds:
Sunflower seeds are valuable in decreasing cholesterol level in the blood. Substituting sunflower seeds for some of the solid fats like ghee and cream leads to improvement in health.

Cure Cholesterol with Bitter Gourd and Lime Juice:
Extract the juice of bitter gourd(kerella). Mix one cup of juice with a teaspoon of lime juice. This juice should be taken everyday empty stomach for a month. It helps to remove toxin from blood and stops frequent occurrence of boils.

Cholesterol Remedies with Garlic:
Garlic is very beneficial in reducing cholesterol level. Consume 5 to 7 cloves of garlic in any form everyday.

Natural Remedy for Cholesterol with Coriander Seeds:
Prepare a decoction by boiling two tablespoons of dry coriander seeds in a glass of water. Stain the decoction when it cools. This should be taken twice daily to lower blood cholesterol.

Lower Blood Cholesterol with Ishabgol:
The oil of the seeds of the herb ishabgol Should be given to the patient to lower blood cholesterol. One teaspoon should be taken twice daily.

Cholesterol Remedy with Lecithin:
Lecithin has the ability to break up cholestrol into small particles. So, a good intake of lecithin prevents building up of cholesterol against the wall of the arteries and veins. Egg yolk, soyabeans, unpasturised milk, wholegrain cereals and vegetable oils are rich sources of lecithin.


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