Saturday 8 February 2014

Ear ache home remedy


Earache or Otalgia:

An earache can be a sharp, dull, or burning pain in one or both ears. The pain may be temporary or constant. Earache results from the disorder or infection in the outer ear canal or middle ear.
Middle ear infection is very common in small children. Such infection is often characterized by high fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. Outer ear canal infection take place in summer, mostly during swimming season.

Home Remedies For Earache:

Ear pain treatment with Garlic oil:

Two drops of garlic oil in the ear two or three times reduces pain.

Treatment of Earache with Beetroot:

Take 50ml green leaves of beetroot. Crush them and extract the juice. Warm a little. Put one drop in each ear.

Earache Treatment with Epsom Salt(sinda namak):

Mix little epsom salt in lukewarm water. Put one drop in each ear after every hour.

Earache Home Remedy with Mustard oil, garlic and carom:

Heat two tablespoon of mustard oil. Add half teaspoon of carom seeds(ajwain) and two flakes of garlic. Boil till they turn red. Cool and sieve it. Use as eardrops.

Earache Cure with Ginger, honey and salt:

Take 1gm of ginger juice, 1gm of honey and a pinch of salt. Mix well and warm a little. Put one drop in each ear.

Ear Infection Treatment with Mango Leaves:

This remedy is good for ear infection. Take some mango leaves. Crush them and squeeze juice. Warm one teaspoon juice and use it as ear drops


1 comment:

  1. I personally have this problem
    So i hope it will help me :)


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