Wednesday 22 January 2014

11 Ways to get Rid of Stomach Fat

11 Ways to get Rid of Stomach Fat

#1 – Try A Little Spice With Your Foods

It is well known that spicy foods such as chilli speed up your metabolism and hence help you to burn fat faster – it may also help to suppress your hunger cravings for fatty or sugary foods.
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#2 – Do Not Skip Breakfast

Studies have shown that if you skip breakfast you are more likely to over eat throughout the rest of the day.
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#3 – Increase Your Dairy Intake

A recent study from the Journal of Nutrition says that diet high in protein and dairy can fight off stomach fat – the study showed that a group of women who consumed the most protein in addition to a few portions of dairy each day ended up with more lean muscle and a greater loss in belly fat than those who were put on a low dairy and low protein diet.

#4 – Try A Pear A Day

Pears have been linked to drops in glucose levels in the blood which is good for losing belly fat.
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#5 – Add A Lemon

Drinking water or other liquids can result in water retention where your body will hold on to water weight – try a lemon with your water as it is known to reduce water retention.
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#6 – Use Coconut Oil

Various studies have shown that coconut oil can help reduce stomach fat – this is because it is suggested to be pro-thyroid which results in a speed up of metabolism – try using coconut oil for cooking – however not too much as it is still quite calorific.

#7 – And Meditation

These two spiritual activities have been known to reduce stress hormones which have been linked to stomach fat.

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#8 – Don’t Over Or Under Sleep

Seven to eight hours of sleep are recommended, no more or no less – believe it or not, not getting the correct amount of sleep has been linked to increased stomach fat.

#9 – Don’t Cut Out The Food You Love

If you allow yourself a very small portion of chocolate (or whatever food you crave) a day you are less likely to over consume than if you just decide to give in to a craving every now and again. This approach is not only possible but recommended in our AVX diet Plan.
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#10 – Add Fibre To Your Diet

Add sources of fibre such as found in beans, fruit and veg, and wholemeal foods – fibre makes you feel full and so you are less likely to snack on foods which cause stomach fat.

#11 – Try Cardio Over Weights

Cardio exercise is more likely to reduce your stomach fat – focus on weights and stomach exercises after cardio as a way of toning after you have shed the fat

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