Home Nail Care:
Nails require constant care. They chip, crack and discolour due to harsh treatment. They need to be constantly cleaned, moisturized and buffed to keep them looking in the pink of health. A few commonsense nail care tips will ensure healthy nails. Keep the nails trimmed, clean and moisture free. Be careful when filing nails, do not file too deeply into the nail bed area to get pointed nails. Use emery board instead of a metal nail file. wear gloves while cleaning dishes, cleaning or dusting.
Here are a few natural home treatment to get rid of common nail problems:
Home Made Scrubs:
Soak nails daily in warm almond oil or olive oil for 5 to 7 minutes, preferably before bed time.
Discoloured Nails:
You can clean discoloured nails by soaking them in a solution of lemon juice and warm water for 10 minutes. Then clean them with white vinegar.
Get rid of Cracked Nails:
Apply glycerine at bedtime to heal cracks in nails. A generous application of glycerine, soothes the nails.
Swollen Cuticles:
Soak your hands in warm water for 5 minutes. Make a paste of turmeric powder and sandalwood powder. Apply this paste thickly, like an ointment on the cuticles. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off.
To Harden Soft Nails:
Sometimes soft nail crack easily. To harden them, soak them in olive oil for 20 minutes every alternate day.
To Whiten Nails:
Dip a swab of cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide: clean the nails with this swab, rub under the nails to clean and whiten theml.
Cuticles Softener:
After a bath, massage cuticles with warm olive oil or almond oil everyday. While massaging, push back the cuticles using your finger tips to do so.
Link http://www.usefulhomeremedies.com/nailcare.html
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