Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Appreciating the love that you have

Appreciating the love that you have

Appreciating the love that you have

The period of time when things aren't going your way can be frustrating, depressing and agonizing. A break to rediscover yourself could be a time of great joy and discovery. It's up to you.
Difficulty is tricky. But no matter how hard it may be raining, it always stops eventually. This too, shall pass. You can always bet on Chance. Things are difficult today, things will work out in the future.
Grass grows, taking its time. It has its own pace. In time you will find what you need. How would you like to use the time? Will you be pining for the inevitable or enjoying the moment?
It would be nice to have what ever you are searching for right now, but you don't need to freak out.
One of the easiest ways to survive the world is focus on what you have. By focusing on the here and now; the good and true, you affirm the present. By appreciating the things you love, you become a beacon of attraction.
Are you grateful for friends? Are you close to someone in your family? Is there a neighbor looking out for you? Maybe you have a pet dog or a cat you simply adore. What do you love about that little squirt? Define your feelings. Name each and every one and add these notations and observations to your journal. Keep them in your mind. Make a declaration out of the good feelings and you'll realign a bad mood. There is so much love in your life.
What's there to love about your life? Is there something about your job that perhaps inspire you? Look at inspiring art and fashion. What does nature mean to you? Find something beautiful, a tree or a building, and tell someone about it. What food do you want to taste right now? Describe all of the beautiful aspects about your religion or belief. Why do you love your favorite TV show? What's your favorite book and why?
This focus is creating energy. It summons attraction. These appreciations become your own on the highway to appreciating the love you have .
You may need to find a special place to connect to these feelings of appreciation. The brain cannot be buzzing. Relax. Take a bubble bath or have a glass of something yummy to relax. Pamper yourself a little.
Here are some simple actions that help us appreciate the loves that we have in our lives. These efforts help us to shift our focus.

1. Pretend it's spring and start cleaning


When you dust, you will come in contact with your sweetest memorabilia. A snow globe that reminds you of a great vacation or a silver picture frame that holds the image of a loved one. It is so easy miss these things in your busy day-to-day routine. When we clean, we have to dust each item individually. Cleaning demands that you move your body. And, oh yes, your home will be clean when you're done. Bonus!

2. Take a vacation


Pack your bags and go to your favorite place for a vacation  Or go to some completely new destination for two weeks. Make a few of your favorite things to eat and take yourself to a beautiful picnic spot for an hour or a day. Either way, it is a vacation, an action that puts your mind at ease and heightens appreciation and makes your life fulfilled.

3.  Pay it forward


Think of something nice. It could be an observation or an action. Then share it with someone else.  Your colorful complaints may be good for a little entertainment, but negativity breeds more of the same. Just be grateful for the time. Make it fun. Appreciate the many things happening currently in your life. There are many. All you have to do is reopen your eyes!

Link   http://lovelifeadvisor.blogspot.com/2013/12/appreciating-love-that-you-have-period.html

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