Wednesday, 8 January 2014

5 steps to fitness motivation

5 steps to fitness motivation

Step 1. Get a plan of action.

Get a clear idea what it is you are motivating yourself to do, what kind of program you will follow and what the regime will actually look like. You need to have it all in front of you, not as a vague idea but a clearly outlined plan of action. It is a lot easier to follow through if you know what you are doing, it is even easier to follow through if you also know why you are doing it.

Step 2. Find your why.

Everyone has got their own reasons for wanting to get in shape. Some want  to look good or be healthier or because they just want to have a better quality of life, some are just looking for a cheap hobby where your own body is your canvas and your art supplies. We all have our reasons but it is important that you know yours and it’s not just “everyone else is doing’ it” kind of reason. Write down a list called “Why I work out” and be as specific and as detailed as possible adding even the most ridiculous points to it. Making a list will actually help you reinforce the idea and encourage you get in the mood to do what you may not be too eager to do.

Step 3. Book the time.

Find a calendar and book the time, then set a reminder. You should have the same calendar you use for work and other events in your life to integrate exercise with everything else you do – after all, you don’t have different timetables, you only have the time you have. Let your family know that this timeslot is booked for exercise and you won’t be available for shopping, movies or chores on that day during that time. Keep your calendar where you and your family can see it. You don’t have to book 2 hours daily, even 20 minutes will make a difference. Always book some time on the day you start your calendar as well to get in the mood and reinforce your commitment to it.

Step 4. Get inspired.

And it doesn't necessarily mean by others. What you often see on the web, other people’s successes, may even be discouraging. Always keep in mind that these people worked a really long time to look the way they do and that they also don’t look like that all of the time either; what you see is just that moment in time – an immortalized moment, an achievement of someone and the proof of that achievement. You can get one of your own some day and it will feel incredibly empowering and satisfying but until then -  you can get inspired by an idea, a goal of your own,  a movie, a song, a quote. Search for inspiration and find your “it”.

Step 5. Get ready.

Even if you are not going anywhere and you are not planning on training, just get ready for action anyway. We often look for excuses not to work out because we feel tired, or there are more exciting things we can do instead and so on and so forth… Once you are ready and your bags are packed, it makes it easier to get to the workout  instead of postponing it, get through it and then feel satisfied with yourself for doing it for the rest of the day. No one regrets a workout once they've done it but everyone regrets a workout they didn't do.


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